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It is well known that people don't always ‘speak their minds’, and it is suspected that people don’t always ‘know their minds’. Understanding such divergences is important to scientific psychology. This web site presents a method that demonstrates the conscious-unconscious divergences much more convincingly than has been possible with previous methods. This new method is called the Implicit Association Test, or IAT for short.
We will ask you (optionally) to report your attitudes toward or beliefs about these topics, and provide some general information about yourself. These demonstrations should be more valuable if you have also tried to describe your self-understanding of the characteristic that the IAT is designed to measure. Also, a variety of factors may influence your IAT performance. The score is provided for entertainment purposes only.
- Language Arts -
Developing good word choices - I developed it for use with Write Traits and uses a comic strip as an important part of the plan.
-Using Comic Strips to Teach the Use of Quotation Marks
-Using the “Silent” comic Owly to inspire creative writing
Harry Belafonte is an International Treasure, speaking out against racism in-justice and for non-violence as a tool of engagement from the
He spoke to mostly young organizers giving an inspiring speech on how the youth and the artist can truly change things.
Below are clips of the legendary social activist speaking out against Bush, and
By Amanda Arcilla
Most of us can agree that when there is something that we want to accomplish that means a lot to us personally, we have yet to develop a thick skin in accepting we will make mistakes and avoid making a decision at all. Unfortunately going this route in the long stops us from realizing our dreams and happiness and maybe contributing something great to society.
We're afraid to take action because we fear the embarrassment if we fail, I say "jump in" knowing the water will be cold, your body will adjust to the temperature the longer you stay in then at least you've given yourself the chance to see how far you can swim.
We stifle any movement in any direction and creativity stagnates when we are in a place of fear. We have to start thinking mistakes equates progression to success. What's the point of perfect execution if you can't land the fall? The desired outcome and product is what we're after and if you still can't get over the perfection complex consider the idea that mistakes are a gateway to discovery, the very thing you were trying to avoid has now given you a gift and at times as history is evident of this has given us greater things than what we were aiming for, can you see where not making enough mistakes is so underrated?
We cannot deny our natural tendencies as human beings and a culture to evolve past our current circumstances, to become better, more efficient and to play life full out. If we are to fulfill our natural instincts we have to get over our personal restrictions which is an illusion we take way too seriously.
So if you have an idea, a dream, something you want to do, experience and create, dare yourself to get off the fence and initiate the mistakes so you can get to your dreams and success quicker.
Amanda Arcilla is an Attraction Coach. You can read her unique story or get in touch with her at