Getting teens to understand that we exist in a world of grays and not black and whites is probably the hardest lesson anyone will ever teach, just because you admire someone does not mean they will always be right and the person you loath is not always wrong. It is the issue not the person that has to be judge. To quote the late John Johnson CEO of Ebony
"We have no mutual friends or enemies only interest."
Case in point Russell Simmons one the
architects of hip hop a practicing Buddhist.his new job title is puppet for the Diamond industry who has been working overtime to discredit Ed Zwick’s film Blood Diamond
click here
Russell Simmons who spent the past week trotting around Africa on a trip paid for by the De Beers-led Diamond Council and clouding the conflict diamonds issue with pathological self-promotion since he hawks his own line of overpriced bling.
click here for moreDirector Zwick blasted back with his own response
click hereTruth I like Simmons, but it s clear that he would sell out his

family for a buck. Hip Hop does not need Bling to exist. Diamonds does not aide any poor communities, in Africa, here or anywhere else.
In short, see the movie, make up your own mind about diamonds. Then hear the argument understanding that someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes
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