Happy New Year
Episode 50 of the Wire painfully delivered the message that for many innercity kids, the despite their efforts, and he innovative efforts of others, drugs and crime are often the only choice they have, At best, They are victims of hubris, personal agendas, pathetic parents and an uncaring and incompetent system we called city government.
ED BURNS one of the producers of the show said in an interview
"I think the idea we're trying to bring across is that kids are going to get educated. And that we're going to see where. It's not about kids making bad mistakes and becoming caught in the Criminal Justice system. They don't have an option of choice. We in society have the choices. So you might see a kid who clearly doesn't have a prayer and it will be very apparent why he doesn't have a prayer. It's not about blaming kids. They will survive. They will learn. It's just a question of where."
Season four of 'The Wire' centered on the lives of four young boys as they traverse adolescence in the drug-saturated streets of West Baltimore. The new episodes of the series examine their world through the theme of education, asking viewers to consider the world that awaits these boys, and to consider further the American commitment to equal opportunity.
The Wire is a television series without peer, and season 4 was both riveting and gripping
Its final grade, A in showcasing how we have Failed so many young minds
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