Obama message of hope has galvanized the nation, Political opinion aside is there a better role model we should be pointing out to our innercity youth?
Below is a message of hope & the promise of hard work ahead written by Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak
"We will probably be outspent, and not have as many traditional endorsements, the single best thing we can all do is keep working on getting as many people signed up for our lists as possible, use MeetUp or other ways to have small groups together, plan event to coordinate with the announcement on Feb. 10. Grass roots wins every time and this time it's especially true. (And by the way, do all this without saying any negative things about the other Democrats who are running, who will all be on our side after Barack wins the endorsement.)
"This is going to feel like a very different kind of campaign, but that's to me exactly why this is going to be so much fun. And why it's going to end with a very different kind of President....the kind we have to have to make the dramatic change America needs right now."
Click for entire article
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