Lately, America has been abuzz over the need of physical discipline for children after California assemblywoman Sally Lieber proposed a ban on spanking kids under the age of 4.
SACRAMENTO — The state Legislature is about to weigh in on a question that stirs impassioned debate among moms and dads: Should parents spank their children? Click here
JAPAN - Growing concern over bullying, stopped short of overtly backing beating, but suggested an end to a policy of leniency. Click here
Spanking kids is not the only solution
In these busy days, children do not receive sufficient time and attention from their parents, who are often too distracted by their own worries to treat their children with patience and empathy, situation that can create an easy environment for misbehavior Click hereThe Inner Reality of Child Abuse
At times they almost seem to have a hierarchy of child abuse. They focus on sexual abuse above all else, as though it is only when abuse is of a sexual nature that it can be damaging. Or they say that certain sorts of abuse are "okay" but others are not. But this all misses the point entirely. Concentrating merely on the OUTER facts of what happened completely disregards the inner reality Click here

Research on Spanking
Diana Baumrind, an influential figure in the psychology of parenting, followed children starting in preschool up through their twenties. She found that, overwhelmingly, occasional or even frequent swats used in discipline did not cause major adjustment problems for those children. Though she doesn’t advocate spanking, she recognizes that the evidence is clear. Click here
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